Wednesday 25 November 2015

Template metaprogramming and indices trick for variadic template expansion.

Recently I was revisiting some of the code I wrote for my 2d game engine and I saw one thing in the reflection library I was developing alongside the engine that, at the time of coding it, I was not very happy about. There was a  code that was generating stringified signature of a reflected method. This was really minor issue that could easily stay the way it was but since I was already looking at it and I had this urge to try something new I decided to change they way it worked. I had this idea of a compile time string generation (with respect to some pattern) that I wanted to check if was even doable - the results are in this blogpost.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

I hate Unity3d engine

I hate Unity engine. I hate it so much on so many levels that I cannot even express my rage with human words.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Reflection in lame engine Part 3 - Methods and LUA binding.

It's been a while! I am going back to the series of articles on the topic of reflection. Just as I planned... four and a half months ago. So without further ado, today I will go into how I implemented reflection of methods. This article will explain how I store, invoke and retrieve results from. Last but not least, the most interesting part - how I developed automatic script binding.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Flexible and efficient text displaying utilities Part 1.

One of my recent goals was to implement text and font handling facilities like I never had before but always wanted. Each iteration of my framework got more complete text displaying solutions but they still were kind of incomplete with comparison to my initial plans. This time I tried to acomplish every goal I planned last time and even added a couple of new ideas to the bag. In fact I planned to finish this up in about 2-3 weeks. Given I do this only in my spare time, after my day-time job, this was tight schedule but Christmas holidays were coming and my plan was to use the free time - what happend some of you might guess from the last post. We almost have february and I am still finishing up this part of my engine ;-) I hope this series will be long and regular as there are so many topics that came up while doing this stuff - worth sharing so I will start of with an overview and part on image compositoning and alpha blending.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas! What's been cooking?

This one is just an update on what I have been doing lately and hopefuly what to expect when I am done. But before I dwelve into the gory details I would like to wish you all a happy Christmas if you celebrate it in any form. If not then have a happy time during 24-26th December - why not! But only then, because I am terrible person and life is cruel so don't count on more!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Tripleboot triple trouble - a short guide how (not) to setup OSX, Windows 8 and Ubuntu

Last time I wrote about my new hardware and disappointments I had with various systems that I tried to install while waiting for my storage hard drive to finally arrive. I think I started struggling to do my perfect setup on Wednesday. Unfortunately I had little time after work so I failed doing something and decided that I have to wait for weekend in order to do this right. These kind of things are so plain stupid, time consuming and worthless but they had to be done so weekend it is! I went to work on Friday earlier then usual in hope of coming back home earlier too. The plan was that I will have enough time to do it all in one strike and the fun begun. This is a short tutorial or a guide on how to make your own hackintosh/Windows 8/Ubuntu developer setup, assuming you have right hardware.

Thursday 28 November 2013

One rig, three operating systems and shitloads of problems.

This one is totally not coding related - it is more of a ragespree so feel free to skip it, or if you like suffering of others then please keep on reading! There is plenty of it here ;-)

Sunday 24 November 2013

Reflection in lame engine - Part 2

Previously I scratched the surface of reflection and approach I have taken with my 2D game engine. This time I am going a little bit deeper into the details of type registration, type information retrieval and stuff related with this whole mess that I will feel worth mentioning while writing this down.

Monday 11 November 2013

Reflection in lame engine - Part 1

Finally I found some spare time to write an article for my blog, short one I suppose, but better than none. I currently have much on my plate but when I capable I try to spent some time on my game engine. One big part of the whole thingy, which is currently really broken btw, is reflection mechanism. It took me quite some time to plan the whole thing, do research and while there are still some issues I need to solve and parts that need refactoring (or even proper implementation alltogether) the core is actually functioning and I am quite happy with it. I plan to make a series of articles as putting it all together in one piece would be mundane task for me, and probably even more painful for potential readers. The first article in the series will talk a little bit about goals, overall design, API interface and some random stuff.

Monday 21 October 2013

New year, new challenges, new goddamn errors...

Yesterday I was doing some stuff to my personal project when I stumbled upon some freaking compile error which made no sense in the given context. Well, the thing is, I started this blog as my personal vault to keep things that I should remember or I was really proud of (not that I am not proud of anything - number of posts is a lie!) and my recent waste of time was a precious experience I want to avoid in the future. It is always your fault is a mantra that a good programmer should be aware of and embrace it but don't fool yourself into thinking that everything around us is perfect because it is not.