Wednesday 25 November 2015

Template metaprogramming and indices trick for variadic template expansion.

Recently I was revisiting some of the code I wrote for my 2d game engine and I saw one thing in the reflection library I was developing alongside the engine that, at the time of coding it, I was not very happy about. There was a  code that was generating stringified signature of a reflected method. This was really minor issue that could easily stay the way it was but since I was already looking at it and I had this urge to try something new I decided to change they way it worked. I had this idea of a compile time string generation (with respect to some pattern) that I wanted to check if was even doable - the results are in this blogpost.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

I hate Unity3d engine

I hate Unity engine. I hate it so much on so many levels that I cannot even express my rage with human words.