Sunday 16 March 2014

Reflection in lame engine Part 3 - Methods and LUA binding.

It's been a while! I am going back to the series of articles on the topic of reflection. Just as I planned... four and a half months ago. So without further ado, today I will go into how I implemented reflection of methods. This article will explain how I store, invoke and retrieve results from. Last but not least, the most interesting part - how I developed automatic script binding.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Flexible and efficient text displaying utilities Part 1.

One of my recent goals was to implement text and font handling facilities like I never had before but always wanted. Each iteration of my framework got more complete text displaying solutions but they still were kind of incomplete with comparison to my initial plans. This time I tried to acomplish every goal I planned last time and even added a couple of new ideas to the bag. In fact I planned to finish this up in about 2-3 weeks. Given I do this only in my spare time, after my day-time job, this was tight schedule but Christmas holidays were coming and my plan was to use the free time - what happend some of you might guess from the last post. We almost have february and I am still finishing up this part of my engine ;-) I hope this series will be long and regular as there are so many topics that came up while doing this stuff - worth sharing so I will start of with an overview and part on image compositoning and alpha blending.